We're only 8 days into March, and look at everything that's been accomplished!
RECAP: New Zealand Championships 2024
Your Club enjoyed an excellent NZ Rowing Championships conducted in near perfect
conditions on Lake Karapiro this season. 40 clubs represented by 1042 competitors, took
part with Aramoho Whanganui gaining 6 th place for the Centennial Oar.
Aramoho Whanganui had a modest contingent of 18 athletes competing, reaching an
amazing 14 A Finals, and everyone returned to Whanganui with at least one medal for their
Gold Medal: Mens Novice Coxed Quad – Cristian Kiriona; Achilles Paikea; Kynan Brewer;
Jordan Hallett with Lauren Davies (cox), who won the title by 7 seconds from a crew from
Bay of Plenty Coast (Tauranga).
New Zealand Novice Mens Quad Champions 2024: Lauren Davies (Cox); Jordan Hallett;
Achilles Paikea; Kynan Brewer; Cristian Kiriona
Silver Medal: Mens Novice Double -Achilles Paikea and Kynan Brewer.
Silver Medal: Womens Novice Quad Sculls- Ruby Hoekstra; Edie Franks; Ruby Bullock;
Agatha Doggett with Lauren Davies (cox)
Bronze Medal: Mens Novice Coxed Four – Cristian Kiriona; Achilles Paikea; Kynan Brewer;
Jordan Hallett with Lauren Davies (cox). This result saw Kynan and Achilles return home with a Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals – a phenomenal performance!
Bronze Medal: Womens Novice Quad – Ruby Hoekstra; Edia Franks; Ruby Bullock; Agatha
Doggett with Lauren Davies (cox).
Bronze Medal: Womens Novice Coxed Four - Ruby Hoekstra; Edia Franks; Ruby Bullock; Agatha Doggett with Lauren Davies (cox). Lauren was our most successful competitor with a Gold, Silver and 2 Bronze Medals – testimony to her steering and motivational prowess in this critical role!
Bronze Medal: Womens Senior Coxless Four – Robyn van Dijk; Mila Graham; Madeline Cox
and Messina Su’a.
Bronze Medal: Mens Club Coxless Quad – Nicky Maxim; Lawrence Harkin; Jake Newton; Eli
Kuehne. 14-year-old Nicky has become the youngest senior status rower in New Zealand as
an outcome of this result!
Gold Medal: A special mention must be made of Jackie Gowler, who retained the NZ
Women’s Premier Coxless Pair title, this year in a composite combination with Phoebe
Spoors from the Canterbury Rowing Club.
Our Club is immensely proud of the performances from all these young competitors.
Boat Shed Rubbish
As our Club has increased substantially with active numbers this season, the rubbish output
has also seen a rise. Your committee has approved a suggestion from our hard-working
Tiffany Davies, which will see two red bins in the gym area and one in the boat bay
downstairs. As the bins are filled, they will be discharged by the new service as required.
The Club will only be charged as and when the bins are emptied. All active members are
urged use them and not leave rubbish of any description in the active areas of our Club.
New Zealand Representatives 2024
As mentioned in previous newsletters, Jackie Gowler and Kerri Williams will be wearing the
Silver Fern this year, in the NZL 4-. This boat qualified for the Olympics last year.
Geogia Nugent -O’Leary has battled hard over the season and has been rewarded by being
selected in the NZL 4X-, which will be required to achieve 1 st or 2nd placing at the infamous
“Regatta of Death” at Lucerne in May, to confirm a start at the Paris Olympics in July.
We were also delighted to see Messina Su’a included in the NZL Women’s Under 21 Squad,
which will race in Sydney 25 May – 2 June, 2024. The team will race a sweep four and Quad,
and these two crews will also combine to make up an eight oared boat at the Pacific
Our Club wishes all these loyal AWRC members every success over the next few months!
RIP David Doran
David passed away recently following a period of ill health. He joined the Aramoho Boating
Club in the late 1960’s as a coxswain, joining his two older brothers John and Allan who
were also coxswains at the Club at that time. Our Clubs condolences are extended to David’s
For Sale – Barely Used 2nd Hand Overalls
Mike Dudson, one of our schoolboy parents, runs a dry-cleaning business and has donated a
number of freshly dry-cleaned overalls, which are in very good, to excellent, condition.
These are available for sale for only $20.00 which is an excellent acquisition to any ward
robe, as they have considerable wear left in them.
There are a variety of sizes and if you are interested, please contact Tiffany Davies 027 345
6884, to arrange a fitting/purchase.
Note – Please spread the word to friends, relations and any business associates who can
make use of this apparel as we would like to move them quickly to help our revenue stream.
Rowing Old Timers Talk Rowing Old Times
These veterans got together recently to swap some yarns over a morning coffee.
Back: Life Member, Ewen Noble (commenced 1961 and rowed for WNHS Maadi Cup next
four seasons including 1964, which was the last year without heats and 15 Schoolboy Eights
started on Lake Karapiro!); Grader Howells commenced 1968; Life Member, Pete “Oscar
Smith” commenced 1949; Front: Reg Douglas (Mercer, commenced 1946) Reg won 11
Redcoats, and was a NZ Rowing Rep at Empire Games at Vancouver 1952, Cardiff 1958 and
Melbourne Olympics 1956. At 93 he is New Zealand oldest living Olympian and is enjoying
being part of AWRC currently. Richard Anderson commenced 1952. He and wife Jan hosted
the occasion and are loyal supporters of AWRC.
Club First Aid Boxes
Members are reminded that the Club have two First Aid Boxes – One in the Coaches Office
and a second one will be located by the downstairs sign out board. Please only access if
necessary. Rowers are required to provide their own blister protection (band aids),
paracetamol, strapping and No.8 wire!
Whanganui Warehouse Stock Taking Fund Raiser
Hard working Committee Member Tiffany Davies organised a team to undertake the
Warehouse stock take this year, which yielded a $1,000.00 for the Club coffers.
The Club passes its gratitude onto Tiffany, Callum Heap, Edie Franks, Francois Joubert,
George Hughes, Lauren Davies, Charlie Brougham, Jake Newton and Liz Heap who all gave their personal time to undertake this venture. Thank you!!
RECAP: Whanganui High School breaking records at the North Island Secondary School Championships
Where to start... we won the Derbyshire Points Shield for first time At North Island Secondary School Championships!!!
Other brag worthy results:
Jake Newton –Boys Under 17 Singles – GOLD (Not Under 16 as reported in the media).
Dave Dudley with Lauren Davies(cox), Isla Jones, Ruby Bullock, Bailey Barnett, and Addison
Jenkins: Girls Under 15 Quad – GOLD
Allan Luff with Robyn van Dijk and Bea Douglas: Girls Under 18 Double Sculls – GOLD
Nicky Maxim, Bryn Morgan with Dave Dudley: Boys Under 16 Double Sculls – GOLD
Achilles Paikea, Jordan Hallett, Morgan Wood (Cox), Cristian Kiriona, Kynan Brewer: Boys
Novice Four – GOLD
This crew also won the Boys Novice Quad: GOLD = OUTSTANDING!!!!
While we haven’t included a photo of every crew that made the podium, this photo
highlights the exhilaration that Mae and Ava felt after securing a Silver medal in the Girls
Under 16 Doubles, securing a vital 3 points toward WNHS winning the points shield.
Their effort typified the approach that everyone in squad took despite the challenges of ill
health, injuries, and the vagaries of the weather.
The following crews also finished with medals, with all contributing toward the 42 points the
School gained toward the Derbyshire Shield.
Nicky Maxin, Joseph Dudson – Boys Under 15 Double Sculls – SILVER
Achilles Paikea, Kynan Brewer – Boys Novice Double Sculls – SILVER
Nicky Maxim, Jake Newton, William Herd, Eli Kuehne and Chloe Flis-Mallett (cox)– Boys Under 18 Quad – BRONZE
Ruby Armishaw, Te Atakura Potaka Osborne Milner Skudder, Mae Emmett and Morgan Wood (cox): Girls Under 16 Quad – BRONZE
Ruby Hoekstra, Edie Franks, Ruby Bullock, Bailey Barnett and Lauren Davies (cox): Girls Novice Quad – BRONZE
Coming up
NZ Secondary Schools Champs at Lake Ruataniwha (Maadi Cup) Monday 18 –
Saturday 22 March.
30 WNHS rowers, and 5 coaches will travel to this fixture supported by Lisa Murphy
and 15 Parents. The Aramoho Whanganui Club wishes the Team safe travels and
trust that the athletes all enjoy the successes they so richly deserve after their solid
build up over the season.