Associate | $50
An individual who seeks to be associated with the club for social reasons.
Non-Active Committee Member | $1
An individual who sits on the committee, but is not an active rower at the club. This fee allows them to have voting rights.
Active Life Member | $114
A nominated member of the club who has contributed to the club for a sustained period of time and is confirmed at an AGM (see constitution for further details). This fee covers AWRC membership, the Rowing New Zealand license, and Whanganui Rowing Association levy.
Master Rower | $700
A rower over the age of 27 years old. This fee covers AWRC membership, the Rowing New Zealand license, and Whanganui Rowing Association levy.
Coxswain Rower | $114
A valuable member of the crew who steers and maintains the safety of all members in the boat. This fee covers the Rowing New Zealand license, and Whanganui Rowing Association levy. We waive the AWRC membership for our coxswains.
School Rower | $800
An individual who is affiliated with a secondary school OR post-secondary school, and is participating in regatta events. This fee covers AWRC membership, the Rowing New Zealand license, and Whanganui Rowing Association levy.
Club Rower | $800
An individual who is a non-school member and is rowing competitively. This fee covers AWRC membership, the Rowing New Zealand license, and Whanganui Rowing Association levy.
Novice Rower | $600
A novice rower is an individual of any age group (School, Club or Master) who has not rowed a full season and has not won a rowing regatta event. This fee covers AWRC membership, the Rowing New Zealand license, and Whanganui Rowing Association levy.​
2nd Family Member | $600
Discount offered for a 2nd family member rowing at the club. This fee covers AWRC membership, the Rowing New Zealand license, and Whanganui Rowing Association levy.
Social Rower / Gym Membership | $300
A non-competitive, casual rower of any age group OR a member looking to utilise the AWRC gym facilities. ​
Adult Learn-to-Row | $100
An adult participating in the learn-to-row programme. This fee will be deducted from the yearly Novice Fee if the rower chooses to continue rowing post this initial programme.
Private Boat Rack Fee | $130
This fee is for individuals who want to store their private boat at the club.
Payments can be paid directly to the Clubs Westpac Account:
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Looking to get a key/fob for the club?
We use a fob system at our club to safely secure our club. If you're interested in getting a fob, please fill out the form below and send it to awrowing@gmail.com. A fob costs $20.